Are you self-publishing your book? Chances are that you are likely to run your own book marketing campaign. So, if you are going to do it, why not do it with style?

Authors can use digital and traditional marketing strategies to market their books. Here are ten strategies to market your self-published book:

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T-shirt printing – What better way to market your self-published book than to wear it? Connect with a t-shirt designer to come up with t-shirt design ideas inspired by your book, be it graphics, quotes, pictures, or excerpts.

Book stickers – Just like with t-shirts, book stickers are one way to increase your author brand awareness and spark a conversation with fans and potential readers. 

Posters – Posters make perfect giveaways at book events and book reading sessions. They look great when hung in libraries and bookstores. Just like with your t-shirt and sticker ideas,seek the help of a graphic designer to create the best poster for you.

Book reading sessions – A book reading session should always complement your book launch or any other promotional event for your book. A book reading session lasts for a few minutes and usually takes place in a café, bookstore, or library. Make sure to arrange a session with your event host or organizer.

Book events – Book events, such as book fairs and autographing sessions, are great opportunities to promote your book and meet potential readers. Attend book events to increase your author profile as well as your increase your book’s marketability and salability.

Website – An author website will help increase your book’s online visibility and search capability as well as your brand awareness.  Make sure your website is well designed, user-friendly, and optimized for all platforms and devices.

Blogging – When done right, blogging can help build your author platform, sell more books, reach new readers, and grow a community of engaged fans. Write blog posts on topics pertaining to your book to expand its subject matter, discuss themes and tropes, etc.

Social media – Social media is more than just a distribution channel for your content but a tool for conversation. Post updates, upload content or share media to engage your readers and spark a conversation.

Videos – Videosare more interactive, visually appealing, and easier to digest than other forms of content. Create videos whether book trailers, instructions videos, or vlogs (video blogs), and upload them to YouTube. 

Podcast – For self-published authors, podcasts can be an excellent way to develop an intimate connection with potential readers. To start a podcast, focus on your book’s subject, niche, and relevant topics, record your monologue, edit your audio file, and upload to Spotify, Libsyn, or any other podcast hosting service.