Book signing, as its name suggests, is an event wherein authors sit and sign sold copies of their books. It benefits authors as well as bookstores since many copies of books being promoted are sold at these events. Here, authors also get the chance to interact with their fans. Alternatively, for fans, book signing is a significant event because it provides them with a chance to meet their favorite authors and ask them questions about their selves or their books. In addition, an author’s signature is also believed to increase the value of books, especially for collectors. So in essence, book-signing events are important for both authors and fans.
For new authors, however, book signing may be nerve-racking. Since they are going to meet people who are fascinated by their book, there is the pressure to impress and establish a good author persona. Nonetheless, there is less reason to fret. If you are an author whose experience on book signing is still a bit limited, then this article is for you. Keep reading, as the texts below will give you some ideas on how to prepare for a book-signing event that will enrich your budding career.
What to bring?
- Pens, lots of pen
What do you think is the most important thing to bring to a book-signing event? Of course, pens! When doing book signing, always make sure you bring a nice pen to be used for signing your books. To be sure, always be meticulous with the brand of pen you use. You do not want to bring a pen that runs out of ink after only a few signs. Also, choose a pen with ink that dries quickly and rarely smears. When it comes to how many pens you should bring, always bring as many pens as your budget can.
- Extra books
It is always better to bring extra than to run out of something. Of course, you will hate it if you run out of books at your book-signing event. It will not only make your fans unhappy, but it will also decrease your sales for that day. To be sure, always bring extra books. You do not know how many people will come to see you and buy your book, which is why you should always bring many copies of them.
- Business card or postcard
Other than your loyal fans, other people who are unfamiliar with your author brand may decide to drop by and buy a signed copy of your book. Now, if you want these people to remember you and your book, give them a business card or a postcard. This is especially important for new authors who are yet building their fan base.
- Giveaway items
When holding a book-signing event, it may be a challenge to keep people hanging around. Generally, after getting their books signed and their pictures taken, people will want to go home since there is no longer an incentive for them to stay. So if you want your fans to stick around until the end of the event, bring something fun to give away as a door prize. It can be anything creative like personalized bookmarks, journals, etc. You can even give a lucky fan the chance to have lunch with you.
- Support
Running an event is always a difficult task. There is a lot of things that you need to do at once. That said, to make it easier for you, bring someone who can help you keep things organized during your book-signing event. It can be a publicist or a friend who is knowledgeable about your book and what you want to achieve with it.
What to do?
- Be prepared
Preparation is a golden rule when it comes to hosting an event. Before your big day, make sure to have a checklist of all the things you need to bring and do at your book-signing event. You do not want to come unprepared, as this will tarnish your reputation as a budding author. Remember: always be prepared. Get your supplies ready beforehand; discuss matters with the people who are going to help you through the event; have a good sleep to be energized.
- Arrive early
To give you extra time to set-up your materials and prepare before the signing starts, arrive at your venue early. Never be late for your book-signing event. You do not want keep your fans waiting, as this can be bad for your reputation, especially when you are still at the stage of building your author persona. Remember: always make a good impression. This includes being punctual.
- Dress professionally
In line with making a good impression, wear a professional-looking outfit at your book-signing event. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to wear a suit or a long dress. You can go for something as casual as a nice jacket with some nice pants. You can even wear a graphic t-shirt so long as you still look neat and respectable. If you are always struggling when it comes to choosing your outfit, just keep this in mind: when trying to look professional without overdoing it, do not put on an outfit that blends in with the crowd; dress one-step above it.
- Have fun
Do not forget to have fun on your big day. Bring a smile and create an enjoyable atmosphere at your book-signing event. Avoid putting on a poker face, as this may turn your fans off. If you want people to keep on patronizing you and your books, amuse them. Be enthusiastic and positive.
- Show gratitude
After your book-signing event has been successful, do not forget to show gratitude. Thank the people who helped you pull your event off – your friends, publicist, the venue host, etc. Everyone who assisted you before and during your event deserves to receive a gift or even just a thank you note from you. This will help you leave a good impression on people. Who knows? You may even receive a return invitation in the future.
Hopefully, the things listed above will help you get through your book-signing event without much stress. Although they do not guarantee your event to be a hundred percent success, they do, one way or another, give you very useful ideas on how to go about one of the most important events in your literary career. Nevertheless, no matter the outcome, just always remember to keep going. Life as an author is tough, but it does not mean you should give up at every chance of disaster.
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