Online Brand Publicist New York has seen the potential of StumbleUpon when it comes to traffic generation. It is a social bookmarking site like Diigo, that allows you to save links from articles for later reference and sharing. Once you post your website’s link to this social network, the people will be directed to the landing page of your posted URL. It is also a social voting site that allows you to vote for videos, blog posts, and images, through a simple thumbs up or thumbs down. This is a powerful tool that authors like you can certainly use to reach your readers validation. The following ways will teach you how to properly use StumbleUpon to increase your website’s traffic.
StumbleUpon is often an overlooked social medium as most authors are not tapping into its full potential. Your possible readers are out there on StumbleUpon, looking for their new set of books to take home, hence, give them a shot of what your book is all about and be surprised on how it will go.
This article is very helpful. I’m actually writing a sci-fi novel, and I think I’m on the right track. Thank you, ReadersMagnet!