Along with other book promotion services such as press release, book fairs, print advertising, and other promotional efforts, these 5 online strategies ensure that you have a comprehensive marketing campaign for you and your brand.
Create a Podcast
Podcasts are perfect, especially for self-published authors. This sweeping marketing tool can be done for free and requires little effort. A single podcast can reach thousands of target audience and add to your book’s visibility online. They help direct your audience to your other platforms such as social media, website, and your online distributor if you are published online. Podcasts also increase your website traffic which will hopefully translate into sales. Podcasts are as important as live radio interviews.
Launch a Book Trailer
Promotion is all about generating interests. And one way to spike the online reading community’s interest is through book trailers. Videos are powerful tools of persuasion. Book trailers need not be expensive. They only need to be catchy and visually enticing. For 2 minutes, you can show snippets from your book, a brief backgrounder, or lift a scene from your narrative. It’s important to avoid spoilers and to place all the publication information at the end of the video. Book trailers can be posted on social media sites, video sites and on websites. If done right, your book trailer will hype your masterpiece just as movie trailers do for blockbuster films.
Be Active on Social Media
No online book promotion is complete without tapping the social media platform. As the saying goes, “if it’s not on social media, it’s not worth talking about.” Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter combined have millions of followers and if you want to reach the broadest number of your target audience, your book should be visible on these sites. Aside from online visibility they afford, social media has the power to generate discussions and engagement which can extend your media mileage. Comments and discussions also allow you to check how your brand is doing.
Maximize SEO through Blogging
Online marketing has two target audience, the consumers, and Google. Most internet users use Google to search for whatever they want to find and it’s the reason why ranking on Google matters. The only way to make sure that Google notices your book and your site is by maximizing your SEO through blogging. A well-maintained site has at least three blogs a week, each blog containing well-research keywords and relevant topic. Be sure to attach interesting images as well. Consistently producing quality blogs help increase your Google searches, making SEO an essential tool in any online marketing campaign.
Maintain a Dynamic Website
If you are going to launch a campaign, you need a base. In this case, your website is your base for your online operation. Your website should showcase you all your literary pieces, including your book. It will give your readers an overview of who you are. A dynamic website should also contain news updates, blogs, discussions, and other stuff related to your author brand. You can place your podcasts, book trailer, videos, images, and other marketing materials on your website. Needless to say, your website functions as your brand profile and your commercial portal.
There are many elements in the online marketing campaign, but self-published authors can start with these 5 essential strategies. Each of these tools complements each other and should be maximized to make sure that the book gets all the online recognition it rightfully deserves.
ReadersMagnet commits itself to help self-published authors get into the online marketing game with our ReadersMagnet Marketing Services. Contact us at 619-354-2643 and our marketing experts will ensure your book promotion campaign will be launched in time.
Excellent suggestions! It’s actually true how effective social media and SEO can help blogs with ratings.
I did this myself on my social media. Readers definitely love the idea of getting in touch with the authors!