Stories are powerful. They are among the few inanimate things in this world that have the ability to encourage, inspire, and motivate people. Every literary piece has a transformative means to enable every reader and listener to see the world from another angle, develop connections, value oneself, appreciate culture, and a whole lot more. Thus, stories became the bond that binds everyone to a couple of significant things in life, such as perspective, relationships, love, gratitude, inspiration, and more.

So, if you want to write a story that influences and encourages, then here are the tips you should note.

Develop your book idea

There are definitely a handful of reasons why you decided to write a book. And, in that bunch of reasons, a tiny concept has been the most powerful one that has pushed you to sit and write. These concepts can be about random things that have inspired you or about a personal experience that greatly impacted your life today, like the development of RC LeBeau’s book on 1st Force Logistical Command. Give yourself some time to think, organize, and build your concept. Don’t forget to write them down so you’ll have a guide on the further steps.

Bring great characters to life

Characters are an essential part of a story. They have the biggest contribution in terms of storyline development. So, make sure to craft characters with an amazing set of traits and abilities. Identify the Ws and H for every character first, then create a little backstory, so your readers become more enticed and captivated by them, especially if your tale is fiction. On events that you write under nonfiction, then ensure that their characteristics and traits reflect the real aspects of the person that you’re basing them on; hence, there shouldn’t be any fabrication. Also, do not forget to give them character developments to guarantee a well-moved plot.

Stick to the theme

While on the writing process, it can be a little too hard to stick to the theme. Why? It’s because of the momentum and stream of consciousness. Thus, you should ensure that your writing revolves directly to the theme that you want to communicate to the readers. By sticking and highlighting your central message, you target the readers’ senses and open their eyes to everything around them. For example, your central message is about kindness, and then every element of your story must come together and, in the end, transmit that particular value.

Add twists and turns

What’s a story without twists and turns? Having elements that spice up the plot can definitely be advantageous. Why? It’s because the rollercoaster ride can leave a mark on the hearts of the readers. A surprise character development, unexpected death, surprising failure, and the likes will surely make your readers feel intense emotions and make them motivated to flip each page and finish the story. In incorporating plot twists, you may use a bunch of literary devices to spice and level up your writing game.

End with a bang

This pertains to ending your story with a remarkable statement or conclusion that will surely leave the readers caught in between strong emotions. It should be relevant to your story and must give justice to the other parts of the plot. If you wish to add another element that will make your readers scream in frustration, you may opt for a cliffhanger. But, you should make sure to resolve the conflict first. It doesn’t matter how grand your ending should be; what’s more important is that your story encourages, teaches, and influences your targets.