Search on your favorite books while exploring the ReadersMagnet’s booth at the ALA Annual. To make the experience more exciting, play with our Scavenger Hunt and have a chance of winning a prize.
The onsite Conference and Exhibition at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual offers a lot of opportunities, amusements, and surprises for the attendees. From live talks and meet-ups to book signings and book displays, we at the ReadersMagnet are glad to conduct the Scavenger Hunt for our visitors. We are committed to making your day more fulfilling and worth spending.
Anyone in the event can join the game. As a participant, you’ll get a form with fill-in-the-blank questions. You have to navigate the displayed books to find the answers. And then, you have to put the form in the provided drop box once you completed the task.
As usual, the winners will be announced and featured on our social media accounts. We have prepared Kindle devices for prizes. Please go on and read our blog article about how fortunate you can be if you get a Kindle. You can’t imagine how many readers dream to have one.
Playing, exploring, getting your books signed, and meeting your favorite authors at the book fair can be a memorable experience you have this year. This is especially true if you’re a book lover with a sense of adventure, thrill, gratitude, humor, and a bit of rebellion, in a positive way though.
Scavenger Hunt, also known as Treasure Hunt, makes the fair’s atmosphere welcoming and jolly. Books are real treasures that you can cherish while being cheerful at the event at the same time. Visit the site of The Festival for Storytellers to learn more. Don’t forget as well to bring $25 with you to enter the book fair. Feel free to get in touch with us for further assistance. We are here to help you.
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