The Festival of Storytellers is a virtual literary book fair that will be happening from April 23 to April 25 and April 30 to May 2, 2021. This book fair is a product of ReadersMaget’s desire to continue celebrating literature despite the world’s uncertainties. Truthfully, it may differ from the usual, but it does not mean that its value is lessened. The benefit you can get from it is still the same as attending physical book events. Thus, there are no reasons for you not to attend this one.
TFOS 2021 is going to one of the most exciting events happening in the industry this year. You might be wondering if it’s worth participating in book fairs, just like any other self-published authors. These kinds of events are going to be seriously helpful for your book promotions without spending too much of your fortune. You can easily get a little exposure with book events. With virtual book fairs, such as the upcoming ReadersMagnet’s TFOS 2021, you can still get the most out of it.
For self-published authors, these affairs are very important because a lot will be attending from the publishing industry’s ‘who’s who’. You will get a chance to put your work in front of thousands of people who matter. You can usually come to network, learn, and start off. It could put you many steps ahead of others. As mentioned, virtual events may be different from physical events. However, there are still many ways on how you can make the most of it. See the following points to know them:
Think of the Perks You Can Get
If you think about it, you can still make the most out of it. There are a lot of perks you can get out of it. Imagine just being in your pajamas and attend a substantial and meaningful conference, where you can learn so much. Not to mention that TFOS is for free. Yes, you read it right. TFOS is FREE to access. This also means that you don’t need to pay for pricey extras such as transport or accommodation. You will just be in the comfort of your home, eating whatever you want while listening to some keynote speakers. As long as you have an internet connection, you can definitely be on top of it. Thinking of the perks will help you make get the best out of the event. It will not be as hard since there are a lot.
You Talk to Other Participants
Going to physical book fairs will help you make friends, but that does not mean you cannot get the same perk in virtual ones. You can simply chat with other participants. Talk about your desires in life in your career as an author. From there, you can definitely make friends. Not only friends but networks, which is a great thing because you can be able to nourish your online presence.
Listen to Keynote Speakers
Doing this will provide you the wisdom and knowledge. Imagine getting knowledge from the greatest minds in the world—authors. So, if you are going to make sure that you won’t be late for every talk, you can definitely get every substantial context of every amazing author participating in the said event. Not to mention, your favorite authors.
There are many ways on how you can enjoy the Readersmagnet virtual show, TFOS 2021. So, if you haven’t saved your seat for the event yet, you should do it today!
For further questions, please contact ReadersMagnet.
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