Chances are, when someone mentions Hogwarts, Voldemort, and magic we can’t help but think of Harry Potter. It has established this mantra of putting the series and its characters in our minds. This is the brand that the book has established. J.K Rowling’s hardships before Harry Potter became a word-of-mouth became an inspiration to its readers and other authors. Out of these, they have created their very own identity that sets them apart from other books.
Authors should gain control of this on-trend demand known as branding books.
The brand image building is important and it truly matters, because this will establish your long-term success in the industry. Books are products that we NEED to introduce to the populace. The question is how do we do this? The answer is creating its BRAND IMAGE. Take note of the following to know how brand image building can empower YOU:
Once you establish the “what kind of books” you have, it is easier for people to differentiate what kind of story and information you can offer them. With their better understanding of your book’s style and personality, they can identify that this is the genre and style of writing that they want to read. That’s why you need to brand your books. Look for online marketing services that will brand and market your book in a repetitive, consistent and effective way.
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