They say every man should plant a tree, have a child, and write a book. For many, the third might sound a little more difficult, thinking that publishing a book is only for literary geniuses. Luckily, self-publishing changed that notion. Below is an easy guide to self-publishing a book.

Before self-publishing became a household term, the road to publishing a book was long and bumpy. The authors needed a literary agent who could forward their manuscripts to a traditional publishing company. Most of the time, companies don’t receive manuscripts from the authors themselves. Traditional publishing companies maintain their standards and won’t risk publishing a mediocre masterpiece. In a way, it painted traditional publishing as strict and elitist and somehow stood in the way of many writers’ dreams. However, self-publishing is here to help authors share share their masterpieces. Below is an easy guide to self-publishing a book.

What exactly is Self-Publishing?

Several names know self-publishing in various forms- vanity press, indie publishing, direct publishing, etc.

For ReadersMagnet, self-publishing means authors have full control of their books. From ideas, book design, retail price, distribution, and book profit. In short, it gives our clients full creative control and publishing rights.

Self-publishing with means:

  • Starting your literary journey without waiting for a publisher or book agent to decide if your narrative is worth publishing or not.
  • Maintaining full creative control and publishing rights to your story and content.
  • Profit every dollar from book sales and receive rightly-deserved royalties without sharing your pro­fits with unnecessary parties.
  • Free yourself from restrictions and other onerous agreements that traditional publishing houses impose upon their client-authors.
  • Full support and advice from your publishing consultants throughout your publishing journey.

Your Journey to Self-Publishing

Every literary journey begins with you. Deciding to write a story and publishing it requires certain stages every writer must achieve.

Decide on an idea.

Do your research.

Write the manuscript.

Finding the Right Book Partner

Self-publishing does not mean doing everything on your own. After creating your masterpiece, you still need reliable people who will make sure that your story is ready for printing and publishing.

Life Of A Manuscript 01 2
Life of a manuscript. ReadersMagnet

How do I make sure to land a reliable publishing partner?

You have the manuscript ready and an idea of how you would want to proceed. You first talk to a publishing consultant and discuss your manuscript and the publishing services you want for your book. For ReadersMagnet, every manuscript must go through a thorough process before publishing. Below are the processes that will help ensure your book is ready to publish.

Editing. Make corrections when you receive the galley proofs of your book, or allow our editors to polish your manuscript for you. Either way, we ensure to make your book as clean, consistent, and professional as possible.

Design. Combine your ideas with our design team’s expertise to create a visually appealing book cover that will attract the most attention from the bookstands. You may provide us with a concept sketch, an image, or a photograph that you own to create a cover that matches your specifi­cations.

Layout. Our book production team adheres to professional interior formatting standards, so you need not worry about the margins, spacing, and image placement. Our team will provide you with a book interior that synchronizes with your genre unless you specify your preferences, which they will accommodate.

Copyright. Make it easy for readers to ­nd your book and for distributors to distribute your work. More importantly, protect your work under U.S. Copyright Laws. We take care of your book’s ISBN and copyright registrations.

Distribution. Your book will be sold in physical bookstores and online book retailers worldwide, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. We will handle all the logistics for you through our alliances with Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and other distributors and wholesalers.

Printing. Our advanced print-on-demand technology and flexible pricing allow you to order as many copies of your book as you want. ReadersMagnet offers attractive author volume discounts when you order multiple copies of your book.

Format. Publishing with ReadersMagnet means your book will be made available in both print (paperback and hardcover) and digital (e-book) formats that can be read on significant e-reader brands, such as Kindle and NOOK. We also offer e-book-only packages.

Sharing Stories with the World

Self-Publishing does not end the moment you produce copies of your masterpiece. Self-publishing also means getting you ready for the world to see. Hence, ReadersMagnet also offers a wide variety of book marketing services. Check this link for more details. I hope this easy guide to self-publishing a book will help you pursue your dreams.