In the past, well before the dawn of the online age, worldwide attitudes towards selling self-published books (or any books in general) were somewhat different from what we see in today’s society. Early civilizations published books for the sake of adding to the body of general knowledge for the betterment of mankind, to catalogue history, or to express- the reasons for publishing books are, and always have been, interrelated with the innate curiosity man and our primal inclination to express ourselves.

In today’s day and age, not much has changed in that aspect. However, one thing is for sure- the business and advertising side of it took on a drastic shift in structure when the selling of books began to become a competitive business model, and with the advent of the internet and the gradual decline of traditional bookstores and rise in online ones, collective perspectives towards online book selling evolved as well.

Infographic Why Sell Self Published Books banner

1. To reinforce your own branding and eventually increase brand Loyalty

Customers want to feel valued, whether through promotional material or direct experiences with and appreciation for products they enjoy. Direct-to-consumer marketing allows this to be possible, offering advertisers a way to reach their audience target directly and gain input, receive reviews and interact.

2. To market your book more effectively

Marketing to a retailer leaves no space for innovation or ingenuity, but marketing to customers directly creates an opportunity for fresh and creative methods of generating sales. costs.

3. To gain more content exposure

In a direct-to – consumer network, however, authors are able to give consumers access to a complete publishing collection, thereby growing accessibility to a broader variety of books.

4.To manage book sales

Building strong ties with readers provides better influence about the products, offering publishers enough ability to promote backlist titles, sequel magazines, and even non-printed outlets, such as audio books and e-books. Publishers can leave third-party sellers behind via email and social media in order to control exactly what information reaches consumers.

5. To make a living of course

Like any thriving artist, writers too deserve to have their work supported- in partnership with an online bookstore, and through strategic branding and target marketing, any book author and can achieve success through selling books- you just need to play your cards right.

6.To get a point across

By selling your books through online bookstores, you have the capability to permeate and dissipate your desired idea throughout a vaster market, with more reach.

7.To document history and science

For those of us who are scientistsanalysts, or researchers of any kind in any given field, books are our holy grail- they are, despite the vast sums of knowledge accessible on the internet, still a main source of general knowledge and are highly significant to the existing body of research in all fields.

8.Most importantly, because you love to.

Every writer and author out there deserves to be heard and appreciated- in fact, every expressive soul with the means to express deserves a chance, especially if they love what they do. If you love being a writer, then selling your books to an online bookshop is definitely a given.

Recent years have seen a shift towards prompting both publishers and writers to target marketing campaigns to anyone who can genuinely learn, appreciate, and support their works: their clients. Largely driven by online retailer growth – a model that leaves the traditional middleman in the cold – publishers are seeing incredible opportunities to maximize sales and develop customer networks like never before.