A philanthropist gives time, money, experience, skills, or talent to help make the world better. Everyone can be a philanthropist, whatever their status or net worth. Ancient philosophers define philanthropy as one’s love of humanity. Today, it means generosity in all its forms and is often described as a gift of time and treasure to help make life better for others.

It doesn’t take millions to be philanthropic. You can give “time, talent or treasure” to do the right thing. For instance, you may be able to give more to your charitable mission by sharing your knowledge and wisdom to inspire others, as what Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson, author of the book “Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich: A How-to Guide for Giving and Philanthropy,” did.

In her book “Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich,” Dr. Gitelson lists creative ideas on how to reap the many benefits of giving. A treasure chest in itself, the book garnered ReadersMagnet’s grand prize for its RMazing Bonanza S3 promo. The book is a product of Dr. Gitelson’s expertise and years of experience.

A Lifelong Journey to Giving

Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson is no stranger to philanthropy. As a young girl, she witnessed it first-hand with her father, Dr. Moses Leo Gitelson, who was keen to give book collections and microfilms of rare books and manuscripts to major universities and other educational institutions, such as Columbia University and the New York Public Library.

Once, Dr. Gitelson’s father asked her if they should donate two valuable books printed before 1500 or keep them for themselves. Young Dr. Susan promptly agreed to give the books to an institution of higher learning who wanted them to attain the library’s accreditation in New York State. Her precious moment with her father prompted her to donate her rare book collection to New York University (N.Y.U.), Columbia University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and other institutions. Her tradition of giving motivated her to become a strong advocate of philanthropy. She believes that the more a person gives to others, the happier that person becomes.

Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson served as president of International Consultants, Inc. and provided consulting services to organizations in international trade, education, culture, and other fields. She received her B.A. from Barnard College and her M.I.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia University. Dr. Gitelson has worked at the Rockefeller Foundation as a trainee and has taught international affairs as an assistant professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She then spent several years as the C.E.O. of several small, worldwide businesses, where she funded cultural and educational initiatives with the money she made.

Apart from “Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich,” Dr. Gitelson is the author of “Multilateral Aid for National Development and Self-Reliance” and “Israel in the Third World,” which is a product of her collaboration with Michael Curtis.

Dr. Gitelson is featured in various biographical directories, including Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Finance and Business, and Who’s Who in America. She received the renowned Alumni Medal for Distinguished Service from Columbia University.

Building a Legacy of Sharing

When one hears the word philanthropy, what usually conjures in people’s minds is massive wealth often associated with the rich and powerful. However, that shouldn’t be the case. No amount or act of sharing is too little for those in need, especially when it involves a community. A charitable, actively involved community is a powerful force. It is not a mere piggy bank to shake occasionally. It is vital, self-sufficient, and opens up completely new possibilities.

Dr. Gitelson’s book “Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich” is an excellent guide for anyone who wishes to follow the examples of established significant donors. With its valuable contents, the book may be used by fundraisers and charity program designers who seek to acquire additional insights into the thinking process of innovative philanthropists.

A single coin, smile, or act of generosity reaches far and wide, creating a long-lasting legacy of sharing. Be inspired to create a heart that gives with Dr. Gitelson’s words.

Grab a copy of “Giving Is Not Just For The Very Rich: A How-to Guide for Giving and Philanthropy” by Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.