Who Are You Yoked Too?

$ 10.87

Eddie Lee Naylor Sr.
Published Date: March 25, 2022
Pages: 174

Category: Tag:

Hi there neighbor, yes you, I am talking to you looking at this back cover trying to decide if you want to buy this book. Well let me tell you why you need this book. Let me ask you a question. “WHO ARE YOU YOKED TOO?” Maybe you never thought about this before. This is the most important eye opening revelation, mind-blowing, truth you will read about in the pages of this book. It could mean the difference between life and death, an awesome relationship or bad one, a good marriage or bad one, a long life or short one, a super occupation or bad one, or heaven or hell. But you must open this book to find out how to escape, enjoy or experience life by understand the truth about, “WHO YOU ARE YOKED TOO.” Go ahead read the book and have an awesome life now. I will talk to you soon.

Eddie Lee Naylor Sr.

Eddie L. Naylor Sr. has been married for over fifty-three years to his wife Lottie and is the father of three sons and one daughter. He was drafted into the United States Armed Forces in 1966, served in Vietnam. After twenty-two years of service in the Army, he retired in 1987. He is an inventor and patent holder of the educational tool “Personality Plus+” which has been expanded to a Windows-compatible computer version and has completed the prototype for a board game. Currently, he is working on two manuscripts, “He has completed one manuscript called “How to keep your mind while everyone else’s is being blown apart by the land mines of life” He is currently working on the manuscripts, Who Are You Yoked Too, Take Satan Too Court Now, Will Born Again Believers Rob Jesus Christ, etc.


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