Travelling Down Life’s Road – KINDLE


Format: Kindle
Published Date: January 7, 2020
Pages: 102
ISBN: 9781950947393

SKU: 9781950947393 Categories: , Tags: ,

Life in many ways is like a journey and the journey is not always smooth, most likely it is a rough and hard road we travel. Traveling Down Life’s Road is a book of 70 poems telling of God’s love for man and His amazing grace. The author in his own way also tries to show the sacrifice God made by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on a cross at Calvary for a sinful and undeserving world. Through God’s Son, Jesus, we as sinners and believers can find hope and peace along with the victory we have over death through the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We as travelers come to many crossroads in life, and it is the author’s hope that someone might gain the strength or hope that will help guide them in their journey down life’s road.

Curtis Booher

Curtis Booher was born near the end of the Great Depression, in the Sharecropper home of his parents. Because of a lack of transportation to enable regular church attendance, Curtis received his early bible training through homeschooling by his parents, both well versed in living a Christian life and a complete awareness of the sacrificial love of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Once able to attend Sunday School and Church on a regular basis, Curtis was a dedicated Christian by the time he accepted Christ as his own Savior and master of his life.
His love of Christ, and his understanding of the sacrifice Christ made for all who would call upon His name, is reflected in all the writings Curtis has done throughout his life, much of which was spent as a long haul truck driver, able to absorb the beauty and majesty of this world through long stretches of seeing this country from behind the wheel of a massive vehicle rolling down the highway, all the while filling his mind with reverend thoughts to be compiled into his writings.

It is his hope that this collection of poetic thought will deepen the awareness of others that Jesus is the Son of God and that He did live among ordinary people and that He did die so that all who believe, whether rich or poor, royal or simple, may enjoy eternal life through Him.


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