Tomatoes and Peppers: A metaphorical tale for anyone who cares about kids – KINDLE


Matt Mulligan

Format: Kindle
Published Date: October 25, 2023
Pages:  38
ISBN: 979-8-89091-239-8

SKU: 979-8-89091-239-8 Category: Tags: ,

A metaphorical story that explores the relationship between children with differences of all types, and the world around them. The book examines how the attitudes, opinions, and assumptions of others can become the real challenge that children face.

Matt Mulligan

Matt understands what it’s like to move through a normative world in an atypical way. He was born at 28 weeks, had close to 30 surgeries in his lifetime, and was diagnosed with learning differences at age 40. He hopes this book will serve as a bridge of understanding between those who struggle and the world around them.


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