Fort Ord Then and Now: Camp Gigling, Camp Ord/East Garrison, The Mascots, Fritzsche Airfield

$ 4.99

Howard Gustafson

Published Date: May 1 2024
Pages: 354

Category: Tag:

The history of the lands of Fort Ord from the beginning when David Jacks owned the land and foreclosed on ranches selling land to Army who created Camp Gigling in 1917. As time and money were acquired by the Army Camp Ord/East Garrison construction began early 1940.
The Mascots are a collection of known animals to be used as mascots for various companies, brigades, battalion, and infantry divisions.
Fritzsche Airfield covers the establishment of the Army Airfield North. With the death of General Fritzsche, there was a change in name and future development of the airfield and aircraft used by the Army from 1942 to 1993.

Howard Gustafson

Born of military parents abroad in February 1953, Germany. Attended local schools from Monterey Ppeninsula School District, graduated from Seaside High School in 1971, studied in Monterey Peninsula Junior College from 1971 to 1973, served the US Air Force from June 1973 to December 1974, graduated bachelor’s degree of Geology and minor work in History and Civil Engineering from California State University, Fresno in 1980. Served 25 years in local politics including Vice-Mayor City of Marina.


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