The Wrong Goodbyes

$ 28.49

S.C. Clements

Published Date: May 3, 2023
Pages: 232

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The title of my memoir refers to my reflection and subsequent dissatisfaction with how relationships ended with certain individuals who entered my life's path. My story begins when I join the U.S. Army, during the Vietnam War era, as a young 21-year-old nurse. I provide a little perspective about the war and how it impacted Americans' lives. I include information about the morals of the 1970s with drug use, the sexual revolution, Roe vs. Wade, and how these affected my life, as well. The story continues into the unconventional life I lived with a verbally and physically abusive husband. For interest, I moved forward 10 years or more by placing myself in a nursing home as I tell my story to a compassionate caregiver.

S.C. Clements

S.C. Clements is a retired registered nurse, who lives in the mountains of Colorado with her husband of eight years. For over 74 years, she has met many interesting people and was told by many that her life story was in itself a “book”. Clements has shared that the person she wanted to write her story, passed away at the early age of 52, so she decided to write it, per his suggestion, 25 years later.

S.C. Clements lives and breathes for photography, drawing, painting, playing the piano, reading, cooking, traveling, and writing.




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