The Crazy Quilt: A Memoir About Mental Illness- KINDLE


Elizabeth Casper Rolfs

Format: Ebook
Published Date: September 10, 2022
Pages: 286

SKU: 9781959165316 Category: Tags: ,

Opening with the narrative of her initial breakdown, then moving into journal entries from her mid-life relapse, Elizabeth includes educational pieces on post partum depression, family of origin issues and suicide. Using quotes from other strong women throughout and vignettes, like quilting pieces, she addresses stigma and shame, loss and grief and the quest for balance that is recovery. Elizabeth says the message of her story is. "I am getting through this and so can you." She holds out her experience with mental illness as a hand of relatability and hope, in the midst of someone's
silent suffering.

Elizabeth Casper Rolfs

Elizabeth lives quietly with her books and her cat. She has been writing for most of her life and has published poetry, journal entries, articles and essays with numerous small presses. Although she has had thirty years of work experience in the mental health field and had earned a minor professional degree in Applied Science, she says that what she considers her most worhtwhile credential for writing this book, is that of having the experience of living with debilitating depression and of being in the healing process of recovery.


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