The Commander In Chief’s Trophy 2nd Edition

$ 3.99

Paul H D’Anna

Published Date: September 16, 2024
Pages: 140


The Commander in Chief’s Trophy is a mystery initiated by the rivalry between the cadets at West Point and the midshipmen at the Naval Academy. One example is the theft of the other academy’s mascot. In this book, the theft is expanded with a much larger prize. “The Commander In Chief’s Trophy”. A simple theft explodes into a potential court martial and military action in “Operation Normandy”.

Paul H D’Anna

Paul H D’Anna was born on August 27, 1943 in New Orleans, Louisiana in the French Quarter. He attended St. Louis Cathedral Elementary School and De La Salle High School. After graduating, he went to LSU and received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. He was hired by IBM in Huntsville, Alabama, and programmed the IBM 360 computers. The, he held positions at Shell Oil Company and Mobil Exxon. In 1992, he started his own business named “PC CONSULTANTS”. He retired in 2010 from everyday work and started growing mirlitons, a vegetable native to Louisiana.


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