The Amazing Adventures of Superfeet – PAPERBACK


Format: Paperback
Published Date: March 22, 2018
Pages: 84
Dimension: 5×0.2×8
ISBN: 9781947765900

SKU: 9781947765900 Category: Tag:
Weight 0.200 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 0.2 × 8 in

The Adventures of Superfeet is an inspiring allegory of a spirited young girl named Lacy who embarks on a journey of faith with her newfound friend, Soul. When Lacy’s grandpa leaves her his most valued possession, “The Awesome Book’’, she is drawn to search for the treasure within. As she delves into the pages of the book, her destiny is unveiled, and it is much greater than she could have ever imagined. Through the help of Holy Spirit, Lacy discovers the secret of the book’s mysteries and is equipped to become her ultimate self, “Superfeet’’.

Lynda Sturdevant

Lynda was born on November 3, 1952, in Lockwood, Mo. She now resides in the outskirts of the rural town of Cleveland, Mo., where she and her husband Gary raised their three sons. Lynda has dreamed of flying since childhood, and it was a dream which led to the creation of the character “Superfeet.” Currently, Lynda is serving as worship director and associate pastor with Pastor Jr Beck at Last Harvest Cowboy Church in Butler, Mo.


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