The Alien Stranger

$ 9.99

Bob Ticer

Published Date: July 5, 2022
Pages: 142

Category: Tag:

Kayla, while riding her bicycle to work, hits a football star who gives her earrings. She is then spied on by a hummingbird drone to become used by the Alien Stranger, who adds money to her bank account that was stolen from drug cartels. She becomes a spy for the FBI, but the football star is taken prisoner by the drug cartel. His life becomes dependent on Kayla being able to use the Alien Stranger to save him.

Bob Ticer

I retired at the end of 1999 and decided to self educate myself by writing and research, and from experience. I learned a lot about nutrition and ways to avoid heartburn and allergies I’m prone to because of having citric fibrosis. I can pass it on in my writing. Although what works for me might not work for you, some of it might if correctly used.


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