Summer with Santa Claus at the North Pole

$ 2.99

Ruthanne Nopson

Published Date: August 10, 2023
Pages: 26


The main theme is what does Santa and his reindeer do all summer besides make toys? The eleven reindeer including three girls and eight boys like to sit in the hot tub for a good scrub.. They spend time going to Santa's flight school. Can reindeer really fly? Another fun activity is playing water polo with the polar bears at the polo palace. A mysterious white cat named Miss Snowball is in charge of Santa's household. She wears a red and white Santa Claus hat and carry's a large shoulder bag. She won't let anyone peek inside. Some say she is from heaven, some say she is magical. One Christmas Eve Santa's sled crashes into fudge mountain. Ice cream and chocolate run like a fountain. Fudge bars hang from the stars. Miss Snowball knows just what to do. She opens her bag and becomes famous because she saved Christmas!

Ruthanne Nopson

I was born in a small mining camp in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I started first grade as a five year old. Because there were not enough children for kindergarten and first grade, I was excited because now I could learn to read and write.
My father was a gold miner so we moved to many camps. To keep busy I spent a lot of time at the local library and checking out books. I won a writing contest when I was in the seventh grade. the subjects were a rose, a piece of broken glass, or a pair of jeans. I choose to write about the pair of jeans. I had a passion for writing stories. Now I could write my own story.
My husband and I raised three children in the Pacific Northwest. We have many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who gives me inspiration.


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