Description | I’ve shut the door on yesterday, And now I throw the key away No thought shall enter this abode I’ve shut the door on yesterday |
Shut the Door on Yesterday – PAPERBACK
Agnes Martin
Format: Paperback
Published Date: December 30, 2022
Pages: 114
ISBN: 978-1-959761-22-8
Agnes Martin
My name is Maria Agnes Martin, in my Spanish passport the name changes to the name I was given in my baptism: Agnes Gonzales- Martin. In the USA a married woman is given the husband’s last name and use it as a family name and also in most/all official documents which refers to me. Born in the Canary Islands in the province of G. Canarias, located south of Spain, west of the country of Morocco? in the continent of Africa. These isles are located in the Atlantic Ocean.
My father was a local native, my mother from Madrid the capital. I enjoy the company of several siblings, two brothers and three sisters. Both my older brother and sister has passed away not too long ago, so at the moment I am the oldest of the four that are left. After I married my husband Carl, and the birth of our two sons in Spain, we came back to the USA and bought a house in California. I was attracted to Joseph’s experience because we are from the same era and have a similar background. My father passed away young, the cause being stomach cancer probably aggravated by the heavy intake of alcohol which put him in a situation of becoming an alcoholic since his youth.
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