Description | Flying his Harrier, Major Dar Fantin stares into the North Carolina night sky with skepticism. Stopping in mid-flight is impossible at thirty-eight thousand feet, but that's exactly what an orange ball of light was doing. That was one of the last thoughts Dar had as he was sucked aboard the Nanta. Held captive, along with twenty-three other fighter pilots from around the world, he is assigned a guide. Littia educates her charge, imparting the language and historical background of Lantius. The Lantiusians have come to help Earth ward off an assault by the Womongly, a warring race in search of natural resources. Supreme Commander Jicama will provide everything required, including space fighters to carry the fight to the enemy, but the Lantiusians will not personally engage the Womongly. Their religion forbids killing. |
David C. Corbett
David C. Corbett retired from the Marine Corps in 1990 as a full colonel. During his thirty-year career, he flew a variety of fighter aircraft ending with the AV-8B Harrier. He also commanded a Harrier squadron, a support group, and a Marine Air Ground Assault Group. Writing for seventeen years, he has had an array of articles published in sailing, fishing, and professional military periodicals. As the Associate Editor of Coastal Cruising Magazine, he wrote a bimonthly column until 1997. “Shield of Lantius” is his third novel. Corbett lives in eastern North Carolina with the love of his life, Donna.
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