Servants Heart from the Voice of a Volunteer

$ 4.99

Jamie Pulos-Fry

Published Date: February 22, 2024
Pages: 54


I) Premise Statement: This book is about being the best volunteer that God would like you to be,
by being faithful, being a servant and helping others.
II) Willing to learn Something new, Working with Younder and Older People.
III) Shwoing No Favoritism and never be affaired to Ask Questions and learning when to Say No.

Jamie Pulos-Fry

Jamie Pulos-Fry is a faithful member of Lancaster Baptist Chuerch, Lancaster, California. She likes
to serve and volunteer in various areas of the church. Serve in the Coffee Shop and Bookstore for
West Coast Baptist College and sing in the Choir at the church, plus was a Captain of a Ladies Bus
for 5 years. This is her second book, first one is Encouraging A Friend With Our Trials, and the third
one is A WIDOWS CRY a helpful tool for widow ministries and she hopes that Servants Heart will be
a great help in future volunteering choices in your life.


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