Description | "Financially, whether you are strugggling to make ends meet or are just getting by whether you consider yourself decently comforatable, have more than enough, or have ingerited millions, this book could be for you, if you want to do the most you can with what you have. Spiritually, whether you belong to a well-organized religious tradition, a semi-organized bunch of meditators or are religiously unaffiliated, this book is for you if you hunger to discover deeper dimensions of your heartmindbodysoul. Readers who are not members of the Religious Society of Friends will learn a lot about the faith and practive of Quakers. Advance Praise for Sabbath Economics Judith helps us embark on a life-transforming journey that lies just around the bend. Get ready for a book that might just transport you to a place that takes your breath away, and then takes you back to your world with fresh eyes for money, neighbors, quieting and giving your best in all you do. Frederic A. Brussat, Reading this book felt like being in the presence of a patient, insistent, good-humored and trustworthy spiritual advisor. Jessica Bucciarelli Favor transforms money, so imbued with power to take us far away from ourselves, into a medium with unique spiritual power to heal. Rev. Randall Mullins Drags the topic of money off the back shelf of the closet and places it on the altar. Mary Kaye Jacobs |
Sabbath Economics: A Spiritual Guide to Linking Love with Money – KINDLE
Format: Kindle
Published Date: November 13, 2020
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781952896620
Judith Wright Favor
Judith Wright Favor Cover Design: Michael Kirk Cover Art: “”Divine Union”” by Mary Beth Fletcher Author Photo: Sonja Stump
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