Remember Me

$ 2.99

Catherine Shelby Hale

Published Date: August 1, 2024
Pages: 24

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A mother tells her daughter, who has just had a baby to "Remember Me", and gives her a glimpse of what she will experience in her journey through motherhoood. Heartfelt and warm, this book touches all mothers, pointing out the sweet and the sorrowful, the exciting and discouraging, the hopeless and the proud. The many and diverse emotions of motherhood will certainly bring a tear.

Catherine Shelby Hale

Catherine is the mother of 5 daughters and the grandmother of 20. Motherhood is a common topic in her life.

As the only daughter of an only daughter, she and her mother were very close throughout her entire life. After a weekend with her mom and five girls, Catherine was inspired to put her thoughts and experiences down on paper, even setting to music, the truth that all mothers come to know; motherhood is sweetness and sorrow, anticipation and anxiety, joy and despair and so much more.


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