Memoirs of a Nobody: Reflections on a Suspect Life- PAPERBACK


Mark L. Williams

Format: Paperback
Published Date: December 30, 2022
Pages: 114
ISBN: 978-1-959761-22-8

SKU: 9781959165743 Category: Tag:

Beginning with childhood games and antics, David Byxby’s retrospectives includes his thirty-year career as a pilot, family man and curmudgeon. His memories include sketches of the people with whom he shares adventures: a British archeologist, a Danish military pilot, a Swiss adventurer (whom he marries), a Romanian eccentric of dubious antecedents, and a German run-away lost and bewildered in the Western Pacific. “Byx” raises a daughter and maintains a long-distance relationship with his wife and son. Haunted by missteps and failures, he suffers through a compilation of regrets.

Mark L. Williams

Born in Ohio, Williams grew up in Oregon. He served four years in the army before earning a master’s degree in Iowa before teaching English and history for thirty years in the United States, Germany and Japan. He currently resides in Lake County, Oregon.


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