Learn, Labor, Love, Laugh – Live: A Father’s Daily Thoughts To His Son

$ 22.99

Dr. Paul F. MacVittie

Published Date: September 30, 2022
Pages: 312

Category: Tag:

We determine who we will become by the choices we make. When he was eight months old, Paul was kidnapped from his mother whom he didn’t see again until he was age 19. He grew up without parental nurturing or direction, finding his connectedness through athletics which became his ticket out of the inner city of Bridgeport, CT. When Mac was born, Paul chose to become the father he never had himself. When Mac went away to school, Paul sent him daily emails to encourage him to think clearly, to live with purpose and balance, thereby sustaining their relationship. This book records highlights from these emails starting with Mac’s four years as a Cadet at the US Air Force Academy before returning ten years later, fulfilling his long-term goal of becoming an Air Officer Commanding for one of the 40 squadrons at the Air Force Academy. Paul’s daily messages also coached Mac through his courtship, marriage and becoming a father himself, forging his life journey through the choices he made.

Dr. Paul F. MacVittie

Born in 1937, Paul MacVittie was deprived of maternal protection early in life. Eventually reunited with his father, he found a sense of family only through athletics. He won degrees from Gordon College, Gordon-Conwell Grad School, Fuller Grad School, and St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. His career spanned various disciplines from a college coach, inspirational speaker/teacher, business personnel executive, and psychodynamic psychotherapist. Paul and his wife live in rural New Hampshire.


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