In Pursuit of “Schizophrenia” Reflections on “Imprecision” in Scientific and Professional Thought and Practice

$ 33.49

Anthony Marsella

Published Date: February 11, 2023
Pages: 278

Category: Tag:

This volume is a collection of scholarly, editorial, and personal commentaries (Chapters) on "schizophrenia" with special attention directed toward the consequences of "imprecision" in professional and scientific thought and practice because of our failure to accept "schizophrenia" is a construct. A construct is a term, word, concept subject to denotative and connotative semantic abuses and limitations.
The reification of a construct in the absence of substantial research confirmation, leads to disorders in our professional and scientific thought and practice, which scholars have termed "epistemopathologies."
This is the irony and the tragedy, as "schizophrenia" has acquired widespread acceptance and use as a medical/psychiatric/political diagnostic label. The label serves a mental health industry, but does little to explain or describe the etiology, expressions, and care of individuals assigned the "term."
A central issue is the commitment to "reductionism" as a conceptual and methodological pillar for the "mental health industry." Reductionism is an ideology, legitimizing medical solutions for critical widespread social, political, economic, and moral problems.
The ideology is apparent in the construct of "schizophrenia," where " utility" arguments for the continued medical diagnoses, treatments, and professional roles, deny issues of validity. This volume explores historical, conceptual, and cultural sources of our continuing use and abuse of the construct of "schizophrenia" as a questionable foundation for a mental health industry, perpetuating and tolerating "imprecision."

Anthony Marsella

Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D., DHC, is Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. In the course of his academic career at UH, he served as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Field Director, World Health Organization Center for Study of Severe Mental Disorders; Director of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, and Director of Clinical Training. Dr. Marsella has published 21 books and more than 350 journal articles, book chapters, technical reports, and socio-political commentaries, including two recent volumes on poetry, essays, short stories. He is the founding editor of Springer-Nature Publishing Company’s International and Cultural Psychology Book Series which helped define cultural psychology’s critical role in revolutionizing theory, thought, and practice in psychology and psychiatry. He is a relentless advocate for non-violence, anti-war, and social and community activism Dr. Marsella is best known as a pioneer leader in the study of ethnocultural and racial biases, injustice, and abuses in mental health fields contending all psychologies are indigenous to the place and time of their development. He is the recipient of numerous teaching, research, and professional awards, grants, and fellowships, including an honorary Doctoris Honoris Causas (DHC), from the University of Copenhagen. He has served as a visiting professor in Australia, China, India, Korea, and the Philippines, and as a Visiting Lecturer at more than 40 national and international universities In recent years, he has pursued writing in areas of peace, justice, and personal meaning.


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