Gratefulness in Random Thoughts

$ 5.13

Veronica Atanante Kung

Category: Tag:
Dimensions 5 × 8 in

"Do you go through a period
∙ of desolation?
∙ of being extremely lonely?
∙ of having extreme pressure to be productive?
∙ of being extremely depressed and sad?
∙ of losing confidence in life?
∙ of losing close friends?
This journal gives a perspective of how I coped through writing, which led me to understand my purpose in life. In this second book, you will find how I do TRUST AND HAVE FAITH IN GOD that my illness is a blessing."

Veronica Atanante Kung

I suffer from Schizoaffective Disorder and have this disorder since 1992. I have seen multiple psychiatrists and have found my treatment can be supplemented with happy thoughts, to gain as much as possible a normal happy life. In writing my first book, I have found God’s listening ear is the best medicine.


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