Evangel: Redemption in Christ – KINDLE


Format: Kindle
Published Date: May 19, 2022
Pages: 314
ISBN: 978-1-958030-17-2

SKU: 9781958030172 Categories: , Tags: ,

Today, the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ still lacks a clear and concise understanding of the right and the proper relationship between Grace and Truth [or, in other words, Law and Gospel.] In this trilogy [Redemption in Christ, Believer's Sanctification, and Justification by Faith], I am going to attempt to bridge the gap between Law and Gospel in order to bring clarity to the message of the Grace of Christ. My prayer is that the Spirit of Christ will rest upon me to help me rightly divide the Word of truth, in order to clear up any confusion or misconceptions believers may have about this Pauline gospel. In these three books, I explain Biblical Redemptions [Salvation] and the Sanctification of all believers. I will contrast the gift from the fruit, and show how the fruit verifies the gift. No fruit, no gift! The fruit is the proof of the gift; the gift is what brings forth the fruit. God help us! May His Grace be with me in this endeavor! If you truly want to know what Paul had in mind when he wrote his gospel, these three books are for you. In this first book of the series, we will be presenting the true biblical gospel and defining some specific words in the scriptures that will help us better understand the revelation of the mystery of Jesus Christ and him crucified (his death on the Cross, and his subsequent resurrection). Redemption is the message of the Cross, which is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We will discuss words like substitution, identification, imputation, reckon, propitiation, justification, expiation, and righteousness. I will also elaborate on the Divine Exchange, reconciliation, restoration, resurrection, the blood of Jesus Christ, and the importance of the Cross in our salvation.

Apostle Curtis Schulze

Pastor’s Curtis and Lynne Schulze has spent thousands of hours over the last thirty-five years studying and researching genuine biblical spirituality. In today’s world, there are countless avenues and many different streams of thought where it concerns true spirituality. There is a lot of confusion in the minds of many people concerning those things that relate to sacred matters. Many extra-biblical schools of thought dominate the landscape worldwide: from eastern philosophies to western traditions, there are countless instructions given and practices performed on how to be one with the divine (or on how to experience the true God).
However, many fail to connect with the true source. The church has failed to respond to this influx of extra-biblical ideas, and mystical systems now flooding the western world. Because of this, a void or vacuum has formed in today’s world that has opened up the door for private interpretation. The world is transforming before our very eyes! Man is plunging into a spirituality like never before, a mystical approach devoid of true biblical interpretation and application. This book is designed to answer the longings to understand our relationship with the living God from a strictly biblical worldview, what the Bible calls the deep things of God (1 Cor. 2:10). For Christ Ministries is a church of Spirit-filled believers acknowledging God as Father; Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, Redeemer, and Healer; and the Holy Spirit as Teacher and representative of God’s
power on earth. Love is our foundation (God’s weapon of choice) to heal the broken hearted and to set the captives free! We believe as the body of Christ: we are Christ’s ambassadors rooted in sound doctrine,
and equipped as a house of warriors! We are an apostolic work, and representatives of the Kingdom of God: training, equipping, perfecting, and raising up the Lord’s people to stand in these last and evil days.


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