Encouraging A Friend with Our Trials- PAPERBAC


Jamie Pulos−Fry

Format: Paper Back
Published Date: January 15, 2024
Pages:  52
ISBN: 979-8-89091-228-2

SKU: 979-8-89091-228-2 Categories: , Tag:
Weight 0.138 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 8 in

Discover eight ways that an understanding of God's reasons for trials might lead us to the right response!
"Your book is written from an honest and sincere heart which reflects the "token of grace" you are to so many people because of the trials you have had in your life and how God has brought you through them. We know as believers that God will use us to minister to others who face those same trials in the future because we have "lived it" and came through as "gold" due to God's refining." “Keep On Singing,”
—Mrs. Nancy Lusk, choir member at Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster, California

Jamie Pulos−Fry

Jamie Pulos-Fry is a member of Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster California. She has a servant’s heart by serving in music ministry, volunteering in many parts of the church, and for the West Coast Baptist College. This is her first book and hopes this blesses and encourages others with her story.


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