A Fork in the Road – PAPERBACK


Format: Paperback
Published Date: August 21, 2021
Pages: 182
ISBN: 9781954371880

SKU: 9781954371880 Categories: , Tag:
Dimensions 6 × 9 in

From South Dakota to the Mississippi River Wisconsin town of Buford Post, the Sunberg family establishes a new life for themselves as vintners. Libby Sunberg, a very attractive fifteen year old, knows that her beauty is both an asset and a liability from her experience in Milbank, SD and now in making acquaintances in Buford Post. Her insecurities and her intelligent sense of social responsibility lead her into questionable relationships that are exciting, magnetic, and perilous. Through tragic happenings that border on criminal, she along with her best friend, Wendy, and ultimately her parents become amateur detectives that not only investigate community wrong doing but also Libby’s confusion about herself. She’s constantly introspective while forging ahead into unknown territory. This coming of age story takes the reader on her confusing but energetic journey that is continually enticing. One can learn much about a young woman struggling to find herself and to right the world she lives in while being thoroughly entertained.

James W. Swanson

James W. Swanson’s previous works include Creative Writing: The Whole Kit and Caboodle, published by EMC; Sports and All That Jazz: The Percy Hughes Story, published by Noden Press; and Toward Byzantium, published by Abbot Press. He has three children, seven grand children, and one great grand daughter and enjoys tennis, biking, hiking, golf and traveling with his wife, Lavonne. He strums guitars around campfires and plays clarinet and saxophone in concert and jazz bands. A most enjoyable part of his life has been to officiate gymnastics for 50 years.


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