Every now and then contradictory statements are being made about the relationship between SEO and social media. Some insist that social media signals are non-factors in SEO ranking. Others hold on to the idea that social media campaign is as important as optimizing each content you post or publish. But how do these benefit authors as far as book marketing is concerned?

Recently, a number of experts have declared that Google considers social media signals as incomplete. That may be the case as far as social media profile authority measured by metrics such as Facebook likes and Twitter followers is concerned. However, there is no doubt that social media promotion like sharing and other activities related to social media advertising contribute to rankings.

It All Begins With Content

Everything starts with content and how it can inform your target audience and keep them interested in what your brand has to say. The task of SEO is to use whatever quality content produced to increase traffic and hopefully improve your SEO ranking. The social media, on the other hand, ensures that your content is well-syndicated. Your content in social media must be able to reach the broadest number of readers in the online community.

Complimenting Each Other

So what is exactly is the relationship between SEO and social media in terms of achieving increasing ranking in search engines?

SEO and social media advertising are partners in both marketing and promoting the content and in the process help the brand achieve a number of pre-requisites for ranking high in search engines. If done right, SEO and social media advertising can positively affect the following:

  • Page Authority. Authority means credibility and it’s one of the fundamentals if you want to establish your brand and earn your place in Google search rankings. A business with high page and domain authority almost always enjoys a favorable spot in Google search pages. Mostly this is a result of great content, off-page SEO efforts producing inbound links, likes, and post shares.
  • User experience. When you have interesting content and readers are compelled to stay longer in your site, then you’ve contributed to great user experience. Positive, if not, great user experience is a contributing factor in getting noticed not only by Google but more importantly, by your target audience. Can’t go wrong with that.
  • Link opportunities. SEO and social media ad offer both link opportunities and a boost in social media authority. These gains will influence Google to rank your posts and your site. The trick is to convince Google that you are a credible source and that your content is timely, relevant, engaging and has a considerable amount of reach.
  • Brand Reputation. Nowadays, online businesses are investing in online reputation management. Sometimes all you really need is an SEO specialist and an active social media person who can work together harmoniously. With extensive social media advertising and a site with SEO quality, building a reputable online reputation and increase in SEO ranking should be doable.
  • Social Media Profile. While the metrics for social media authority (likes, shares, following) does not affect site rankings, social media profiles can run high in search listings as far as your brand name is concerned. For example, if you search “Readersmagnet”, their social media profile is at the number 7 spot. This ranking can reinforce the ranking of your site as well as other material related to your brand: blogs, reviews, and other related searches bearing your brand name.

Social Media Ad for Authors                   

ReadersMagnet believes in the power of social media. It is not only in terms of sharing the post and getting likes, acquiring followers of pushing for shares. We treat social media advertising as a major component in our publishing and book marketing services. Having said that, ReaderMagnet is present in almost all major social media platforms.

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