When was the last time you worked on your book, or should we say your upcoming book? Before thinking if your book can hit the bestseller list, have you thought about whether you have a big market or not? Will you sell your manuscript to a publishing house, or you’ll follow the thrilling path of self-publishing? These and more questions will be dealt with in this article.

Finishing your book project does not only depend on your budget but also on your willingness to deal with the intricacies of publishing or self-publishing a book. How’s your writing style anyway? Don’t feel insulted by that question because your writing affects your book sales, book reviews, and book recommendations. Despite having editors of their own, publishing houses choose a more refined manuscript. Also, marketing your book relies on the content of your work aside from the captivating book cover or even attractive advertising baits.

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Writing the Manuscript

Your book project starts with the seemingly easy steps of completing the manuscript. We’re not only talking about the fictional characters, plot twists, or even how to start and end your story. We’re talking about the writing style itself.

From grammar and tone to spelling and sequence of incidents, an author must be well-acquainted with the craft of writing itself. Don’t ever think of being a bestseller if your writing style could not attract buyers or even referrals because of poor choices of words or sentence structures. Remember to check your writing, from drafting the manuscript to proofreading the final copy. This is especially important if you self-publish the book without a professional editor or proofreader.

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Self-Publishing the Book

Will you follow the path of self-publishing or sell your book to a traditional publishing house? The success of your book project relies on how you want to publish your masterpiece. Traditional and self-publishing houses have advantages and disadvantages. If you choose traditional publishing, you will cut all the struggles of the process of seeing your book on the shelves. The challenge, however, is not having the freedom to decide or make changes throughout the publishing process after an agency bought your manuscript and all the rights associated with it.

On the other hand, self-publishing gives you all the freedom to decide during the process. You can do the final proofreading, pick the best book cover design, rearrange the layout, and more. Most importantly, you own the rights to the book if you self-published it. You can be prouder and more satisfied after seeing your book on the market, knowing that you’ve worked hard for it.

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Marketing the Published Book

Before writing the manuscript, you should have already searched about how big your market is. Whether you’re writing a memoir, science fiction, children’s book, or even a cookbook, you have a market to reach out to. Nonetheless, you have to get a specific figure for you to get an idea about how you could sell your book.

While working on your book project, consider your pre-launch marketing strategies. Yes, you heard it right. You need to start marketing the book or even yourself before your book gets published and hits the market. It doesn’t mean, though, that you already stop marketing the book after publishing it. Marketing a self-published book from an unknown author is the most challenging but exciting part of seeing your efforts to fruition.

If you need more guidance, reach out to our publishing consultants here at ReadersMagnet. We are committed to sharing your stories with the world. Contact us at 1-800-805-0762 or send a message to info@readersmagnet.com today!