Publicists are there to boost credibility. With regards to Online Brand Publicist (OBP) we are here to boost your online presence, identity, brand and your product. However, people tend not to notice that they already need an Online Brand Publicist. A lot of people are thinking that this is only an expense and a waste of time, that’s why here at ReadersMagnet we offer our customers with different platforms from our branding services, that will allow them to study our works and know if we are worthy of that investment. And yes we will show you that, WE ARE VERY MUCH WORTHY!

It is your expertise in writing plus our expertise in online marketing. It takes two to tango and we are here to dance with you, as we echo and sell your brand around the globe. Marketing should be repetitive, consistent and number gained. So, here are the reasons why you need to hire an Online Brand Publicist:

Brand Recognition

Books are not selling because they are not good. They are NOT SELLING for the reason that they haven’t built their brand. Here’s where the OBP comes in. Readers know books because proper marketing dedication is given to them by the author and the marketers. Readers validation are very important, once your books are published you can’t expect readers will automatically know it. You need to take time and effort to not just publish your books, but also publish your brand. Branding allows you to have your identity and through this, people will build recognition of your works. Once you built it, it is easier for them to identify your expertise, your writing style, your books, your identity and your brand.

Guarantee Your Exposure
In today’s fast-paced industry, online presence is a must. The authors and their books should be omnipresence and omniscience in web posting and updates. Authors will not have all the time to do this; thus, OBP will ensure that your presence online is updated with blogs, images and book updates on your social media accounts and website. This will give you exposure and allows you to connect with your readers all around the world. With enough exposure, you will gain not just prospect customers, but traffics that will rank you on search engines. Once people see you on the top page of a search engine, trust and connection will be easier.
Represents YOU
OBP will not just involve you with the process, but will represent you all throughout. Here are the services that we will represent you:
Website – this is the core foundation of OBP. This gives the author the ability to earn more through ecommerce.
Social Media – we create social media accounts and post updates, to ensure your online visibility.
SEO – we provide SEO services to make sure that your book will land on the first page of search engines.
Amazon Management – this another key components to OBP
Book Fairs – we will bring your book to the right audience as we provide you with the prime venue and audience advantage.

There are a lot of reasons why a certain marketing strategy won’t work. Online Brand Publicist will bridge this gap for you as we optimize your identity first before we market you to the world. Branding books online are the best way for authors to reach their target audience and have their sales.