The Good Old Days of Delbert C. Bear, Esq

$ 29.49

Ran Toler

Published Date: August 23, 2023
Pages: 84

Category: Tag:

Delbert is a teddy bear that comes alive when seen by a little girl in a toy store. He tells the story of his life with the little girl Abigail and her daughter Ardith Lynn. All of the stories are true things that happened to the author when he was growing up. Delbert can't move around but he is completely aware of his life with these two children. He constantly tells that he wants to be let out of the neck bag in which the children carry him so he can protect them.

Ran Toler

I have been a technical writer for over 35 years. About 10 years back my wife asked me why I didn’t write a novel. I said that I didn’t know what to write about. Then some time later she was looking at some things from her childhood that she had stored in her cedar chest. One thing was a teddy bear. She told me the story of how she had received him. This inspired me to write the story of Delbert C. Bear, esq. Her dad’s name was Charles Delbert so I turned it around and made the bear’s first name Delbert and just made his middle name the letter C. The first little girl, Abigail, was named after her sister’s daughter. I named Abigail’s child after my wife, Ardith Lynn.


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