Saving The Human Race

$ 17.99

Robert W. Stach

Published Date: November 29, 2023
Pages: 292

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The year is 2112 and scientist are predicting that in twenty years or so an ice age will develop, that will, in all probability, be an extinction level event (ELE). Six scientist from various scientific fields come together and are able to build a spaceship that is capable of traveling faster than the speed of light. They discover that this will allow them to back in time. Traveling essentially the speed of light allows them to travel forward in time. Using time travel, they go back to 2012t to try to convince people to change their ways and prevent this ELE from happening. Unfortunately, the people in that time period don’t believe them, and the ice age is definitely coming. The six explorers search for an earth-like planet to which they can bring a number of people. They find a suitable planet more than two million light-years from Earth. Is there time to find appropriate individuals and transport them to this new planet before the ice age engulfs the entire Earth?

Robert W. Stach

The author grew up in the Chicago area, but went to high school in southern Illinois, across the Mississippi River from St. Louis. He earned is B.A. in chemistry from Illinois Wesleyan University and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He did his postdoctoral research in the Departments of Biochemistry and Genetics at Stanford University in the area of Neurobiochemistry. He has had several academic appointments and retired as an emeritus professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Michigan-Flint. He and his wife of almost 57 years still live in Michigan with their daughter. During his entire career, he not only encouraged college students, graduate students, medical students but also those students in the K-12 system to become interested in science and to help them understand what science can and cannot do. This book is an extension of that work.


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