Lost Stories Found

$ 3.99

Alan R. Martin

Published Date: November 17, 2023
Pages: 144

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Throughout the years and centuries there have been old articles, manuscripts and souvenir enthusiast’s finding and collecting books, pamphlets, tracts and old stories from buyers and sellers. Eventually these stories in this book were put together, to grasp how events occurred in different timelines.
So, the reader will venture into nine – stories that are completely different from each other.
They do have a few things in common. You will find suspense, mysteries, and horror stories told about the unknown spirit world. There could be hallucinations, suicides and murder involved. Some of these stories were translated through the years to English. Be ready to be frightened by some of these stories.

Alan R. Martin

To the readers who enjoy mystery and suspense.
I’m pleased to be represented by ReadersMagnet publishing company. I don’t necessarily call myself a writer, but more of a storyteller. I haven’t been to college, and I’ve never been to a journalism school or even held a job around English courses or extensive writing. I have been to Vocational schools involving trades classes. But my skills and training usually came in the form of technical trades: electrical, carpentry, and heating/cooling industries. I have too many experiences to name them all. I got into writing when I retired.


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