Joy for the Journey: The Royal Road In Time Of Distress

$ 3.99

Rev. Robert Mendonca

Published Date: August 14, 2023
Pages: 170


This book was conceived in the anomaly of a joyless Church. How can we avoid the dour looks and negative self-talk? The Royal Road leads us to a deeper connection with God. The author brings his experience as a priest, a convention, and retreat master to this effort. How can we better intertwine our story with the greatest Story ever told? Father is currently the director of English speaking Charismatics for the Diocese of Oakland.

Rev. Robert Mendonca

FR. BOB MENDONCA is a retired priest of the Diocese of Oakland. He has had many life experiences. He had extremely happy twenty-four-year marriage, which ended in the death of his beloved Lori. After teaching in public schools for fifteen years, after which he studied for the priesthood and was ordained in the year 2000. Father has been active in the Charismatic renewal since 1970. In 2018 Bishop Michael Barber appointed Fr. Bob as director of English-speaking Charismatics.


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