Dreaming of You – PAPERBACK


Rick Vasquez

Format: Paperback
Published Date: 
June 25, 2022
Pages: 364


SKU: 9781955603812 Category: Tag:
Weight 0.643 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 0.448 × 9 in

In the early 1900s was a turbulent and unsettling time for the Latino community in Sonoratown, Los Angeles. Illegal immigrants from Mexico were pouring into California for various reasons, fleeing their perspective country trying to escape persecution from Latin American Dictators. These scared desperate people found themselves displaced in a small area of Los Angeles, called La Placita, the center land mark of ‘Old Los Angeles’. During this transit times, La Placita and Sonoratown were left behind and abandoned by the new City government.

Dream, Sweet Dreams of You is a Latino survival love story. The main characters, Juan Vasquez and Rafella Botiller, fell in love in front of the old church in La Placita. Rafella being the daughter of a large cattle-ranch owner, gave up all right to her family’s name and inheritance in order to marry Juan. Juan a true-hearted boy who found himself in a world outside of Sonoratown, settled his dreams by selling his soul for the pursuit of music and fame. Through their marriage, they experienced social indignities leading them to their final emotion, forgiveness.

Rick Vasquez

Rick Vasquez, is a Latino entertainment entrepreneur and author of Dream, Sweet Dreams of You, A Mountain Within, All Kids go to Heaven, And The Gift of Manhood. Rick was born and raised in California. He is also the executive producer to his film Séance, Starring Corey Feldman and Adam West. Rick has also authored 20 short stories, several book audios and a podcast located on his website: wwwrickvasqueztheauthor.com.


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