It’s no doubt that SEO copywriting is essential in promoting your site and any online marketing strategy. Self-published authors who wish to market their brand online rely on SEO through blogging to promote their books as well as their website. It is crucial in connecting with your audience and makes sure they relate to the content in your website and other materials online. Lastly, effective SEO copywriting serves as a key component in your campaign to optimize your page and improve your search ranking. We listed five SEO copywriting tips to help self-published authors with their SEO campaign:

  1. Craft a compelling title. The title is the first thing that everyone notices in any written material and is the most important part of SEO copywriting. Most of the time titles determine whether or not someone will read your post. A good title sparks interest to anyone who reads it. A great title convinces visitors to read your posts. It needs to be well-thought of and carefully crafted.

Always incorporate your keyword in your title. More importantly, make sure the first few words of your title include your keyword.

Because it is the first thing visitors will encounter, your title should instantly inform readers about what they can possibly get from reading your post. In this case, our primary keyword is “book marketing”. It appears on the third and fourth word.

  1. Compose the right meta description. Many writers used to downplay the importance of meta description and snippets in optimizing one’s page. While meta descriptions are a non-determining factor in the ranking algorithm, they are still crucial in convincing visitors to whether or not click on your page. Meta descriptions, being up to 165 characters, allow you further convince visitors to read the contents of your page or post.

Composing the right meta description means that you incorporate your keyword early on and make sure it matches the content. Also, throw all the essential ideas in the first few sentences. Doing so will enable your full description to appear in the search result. Below are articles promoting the book radio interview as one of the latest marketing services offered on our site.

  1. Connect to your audience immediately. Always remember that you are competing with hundreds of other sites similar to yours and it’s important to catch your reader’s attention at the get-go. You can only do this by providing your readers with what they need at the beginning of your article. You cannot spark your readers’ interest with lengthy introductions and unnecessary paragraphs.  One effective method is to use the ‘inverted pyramid’ style of writing.

  1. Create a quality and user-friendly content. Producing quality content for your site not only means tackling on relevant and useful topics for your target audience. It also means capturing their attention and the approval rating of Google. SEO experts recommend writing long articles but not long sentences. Sentences that contain too many unnecessary words bore the readers. Try to explain your thoughts using short sentences and paragraphs. With the rise of mobile searchers, it is essential to make your articles easy for them to absorb by using short lines. This way, mobile readers are likely to stay on your page and increase your traffic.

According to Edwin Toonen, “Smartphone screens are small. On that screen, text gets truncated and wrapped in a seemingly never-ending stream of paragraphs. Users have to scroll endlessly. Text on a mobile screen has the potential to give any web designer a headache. But the design – and use – of text is of crucial importance to the success of your site. If your site is unreadable or just plain ugly, people will not read your 1,000-word article. Hell, maybe not even your 100-word summary. “

  1. Cite credible links. Aside from providing great content, your readers as well as Google want to know if you are making sense. Link to relevant sites and sources that are an authority in the industry or topic you are writing about. This will, in turn, give credibility to your posts and your site in general.

Above is an article titled How to Beat Writer’s Block. Aside from providing our own list of tips in handling writer’s block, we searched for articles related to overcoming writer’s block and chose to link with the top result. We then picked an excerpt from the article and included it in our post. Doing so gave additional integrity to our own article and linking it with another page, one that has already ranked in Google.